Saturday, June 27, 2009

Why the Hell Would He Die Like This?!

Death is inevitable. Unavoidable. That's why I have always given thought to my own.
In my imagination, I would be sitting on a chair.

Lifeless. Naked. My "family jewels" exposed and..
an adult magazine at the side. Preferably Hustler. - It's classier.

That's how I envisioned my future loser-ific virginal death would be. Very tame, yeah?

What I don't understand though is, why can't celebrities just freaking die simple boring deaths like normal people do?

By now, I know all of you have heard about Michael Jackson's passing away.

First of all let me just say, bless his black/white soul. May he rest in peace and not be disturbed by the endless THRILLER songs that will be played in the upcoming days. Or else, he just MIGHT do a real thriller upon us.

Damn, I hope not. *shivers* Dancing zombies are NOT my thing.

Early claims on his death said he died of cardiac arrest. Tragic, but not uncommon, so it's pretty understandable. Here's where his celebrity status comes in to play. Now, new speculations are surfacing that there might be drug-overdosing involved and that someone manipulated him into doing so.

See what I mean. It's like a freaking movie scene! If that would have been a normal person would they think he has been subjected to foul-play aswell?

It is always like, who drugged who? Who shot who? Who Piped who? Their deaths become like a real life game of Cluedo!

"I suggest it was Mrs. White, in Michael's bedroom, with the bag of cocaine" (Ha!)
(People who haven't played Clue/Cluedo won't get this. I suggest you click the link)

But come to think of it, HE is FREAKING MJ man! RESPECT dawg. (oh wait.. he's not a rapper.) I guess it's just reasonable to double check. So if there is foul-play involved, we can "BEAT IT". uhmm, The suspect I mean!

I just hope this whole ordeal will just end soon. Not just for my sake (So I can finally hear non-mj news) but for Michael's family aswell. So they can mourn in peace already.

So I guess this is it. MY Tribute to the King of Pop! RIP!

Till then, I am downloading a Jackson 5 album.


Alisha said...

First to comment !! haha me gives u dis idea XD
Gr8 job !!
I'll kill u ryan < u noe why?? > lol

Chathu said...

well you knoe what soggy I have always been a fan of MJ even though i nvr really carry his songs on my MP3 player and i luved his dances but frankly wen the king passes away everyone was like i love his songs .....posers! if they even know his my sognificant album that shot him to fame!

all i gotta say is R.I.P MJ a.k.a KING OF POP

Chathu said...

oops hahah my dope typin i meant his MOST SIGNIFICANT ALBUM THAT SHOT HIM TO FAME

Razzle said...

lol wow you REALLY have given thought to how you will die....
I must say it is quite disturbing.

rae said...

i was about to tell you to write about him :) but you already did, so no need..DUH!! haha :D and YEAH, i hear his songs all day since he died, LSS!!! haha :D

Anonymous said...

But I gave you inspiration or something like that?? Ahah..I never thought to my death in this way =) congratulations!

YungQ said...

I love him so much!
I can't believe he's gone..
Ohwell .. his music is ever growing in the hearts of his fans <3

SoggyCereal said...

Alisha! OMG I forgot!! LMAO sorry?

Chathu, hmm aren't you a metal head? & now you love MJ??

Hey Razzle! :P Sorry for the graphic decription! LOL

The only thing you told me to write about is YOUrself! rae, you are no MJ! LMAO

Hmm Maybe Ferdinando! haha I know I'm a loser! How did you envision yours? :S

YungQ! Take it easy, okay? Michael loves you back! So cheer up!

keeSha said...


Dr DR said...

I doubt his death, debt does wonders

SoggyCereal said...

Keesha: im with you.

Dr: LMAO like sumones mom that i know of?