Wednesday, June 24, 2009

MY Music Obsession of the Week.

Her name is Sia Furler. An Australian singer.
AND yes she looks bonkers. That's why I like her.

She probably likes eggs and bacon for her afternoon snack too.

Well, the other day I was at the town mall. I was looking around at the record shop and happened to stuble upon her bat-shit crazy cover art.

My "retard senses" tingled violently. I didn't know if her music would be worthwhile, but looking as nutty as that, I couldn't resist..

So BEING the pirate that I am, I went home, online and borrowed her album. (Yes, I like to put it that way) I gave her record a spin and then let's just say I almost forgot what ensued next. It gave me multiple eargasms! Ahhhhh!.... Her voice was like a dream. Swwwooosh.

It ended. Then I was awake again. A happy conscious guy, I was. What I hated though was having to clean up my moist ears afterwards. Clean up is such a bitch.

Therefore here's my conclusion, sometimes people should cut nutty-looking people (including me) some slack. Even that hobo you see around town. Befriend the guy! He just might be a singer with a smashing record you know..

but uhm, do be careful (Ha!)

Till then. I have to cook chicken franks now.

P.S. - Day Too Soon is my favorite track. Lalalala..


Chathu said...

you like this cover??? dude you know what luv your topic but Sia??? that cover is more like a barney thing you see in TV listen to metal man!!!

but thats just my opinion PEACE!

Anonymous said...

I listened to Sia, she's got a so pretty voice. But, take an advice, listen to this italian voice, it's superb:

SoggyCereal said...

Chat! You know I can never, and I MEAN EVER, love metal. oh wait angela gosow.. LMAO

Ferdinando! Aww, thanks for checking up sia! Hope you liked her as much as I did. I appreciate the recommendation aswell man! I agree, I love Elisa's voice. wish i could understand the meaning of the song though. It seems very touching.

Keep the recommendations coming man. It makes me happy, and ofcourse occupied! :)

LazyKing said...

hey I like her too. She is original and talented.

Anonymous said...

The song talks about people.People is strange, first hates than loves, changes continuously idea, without reliability, quite like fashion. She says his lover is the only fixed point, like a diamond in the middle of her heart. Really touching =)

YungQ said...

Just because the cover looked good? Haha!

SoggyCereal said...

Nice lazy king! :) I guess we are the "cool" guys for liking her! LOL nah..

Thanks for the translation Ferdinando! That is indeed, very touching. I'm going to download her now.

YungQ! Yes! How can u resist such a nutty face? the scribbles were the icing on the cake!

Anonymous said...

mmmm well i dnt lsn to english songs alot im an old fasioned XD but this one is gddddddddddddd and also helps in sleepng just like fareed el atrash ( fareed the deph :P an old syrian singer ) but frnkly u have a nice taste of music

rae said...

she's OK! hahaha :D

SoggyCereal said...

White frank! Thanks a bunch! :) But i dont sleep when i listen to her. I SING ALONG! Lmao.

rae, okay doesnt cut it..

Anonymous said...

try listening to Zero 7