Tuesday, June 23, 2009

I Would Rather Be Called Ugly!

That's right. And I'm not just saying that for the sake of saying it. I FREAKING MEAN it.

I'll cut to the chase and be straightforward. I AM SICK OF BEING CALLED CUTE!!

At first, when a particular girl says that I'm cute, that's alright. I mean, that's VERY good. It means she's interested in one way or another. But then if she calls ME adorable EVERY single time, that's just a major catastrophe.

I mean c'mon girls, get a clue. I'm trying to be all hunky and sexy(HA! as if that's possible) when I'm around you lot and you go blurt out "OMG, You are just the cutest!! YOU WANT A HUG!!?"

No, thank you very much. I want your panties. No "LOL's" here. I WANT THEM. Hand them over, now.

Cuteness can only get you so far, but the end of the day, don't we all want to get laid? (OH cmon! you there, stop saying "ewww!" Hypocrite)

Teddy bears are cute. Kittens are cute. That old woman from around my neighborhood is cute(with her dentures on). I don't see them getting action, but they are cute, aren't they? See what I mean.

God, now I'm just worrying if I can pass on my LOVELY genes in the future. If this "cuteness" curse continues, I am DOOMED.

So please, just tell me I'm UGLY ..

but call me, okay? * sexy wink*

DO you hate something that a bunch of people call you all the time? Would you rather be called UGLY than that word? If so SHARE IT with me through the comments! :D

Till then, UGLY!


LazyKing said...

lool, you are funny and such a little cutie (just kidding)

Abood said...

Thou art an idiot. And that's why I like reading your posts.

Anonymous said...

When did the world decided what to be cute and what to be ugly? Let's change the rules, ugly men!LOL

Brandawn said...

Lol. Cute is actually way more better than ugly. You could lead them to the sexiness part. :P

YungQ said...


SoggyCereal said...

I LOLed and blushed lazy king! tehehe

You like it cuz we are the same. Crazy eggs!

INdeed. I hear you ferdinando! UGLY MEN for the win!

But wont you just be stuck in the friend zone Brandawn? They wouldnt want to reciprocate to you smexxxiness.

Hate you YUngQ! DOn't you know, all along ive been trying to hit ON YOU??! LOL

Chathu said...

hmm yea well i bet 9/10 people wanna get laid in one way or another *smirk* but yea being called cute is really annoyin its better sayin dude you ugly!!! thats being straight forward!! cheers

rae said...

don't worry RYAN,i don't find you CUTE :D ..i always say your ugly, right? coz you really are.

LOL!!! :D

Anonymous said...

awesome XD and oh so funny xD but hahahaha cutie u want a hug ? XD haha .. ur blog jus cracks me up xD
- nizar