Monday, June 29, 2009

Have Some Fun!

Sometimes, don't you just get fed up of all the things that you HAVE to do? SO sick, that you just want to, well, have freakin' fun. You know, just chill and do random stuff.

Whether, it's your job or school work that sucks the life out of you, it's so important to go out there, once in awhile and JUST get your head out of everything. I know, I do... ALOT.

Well, okay. I overdo it actually. I admit! All the zombie killing-sprees that I have been doing on Left4Dead is taking a toll on my poor poor eyes. I'll probably go blind when I hit my late 30s.

Anyways, the point of this lame entry is that, I just wanted to share a video to you guys. It epitomises what I just said. F-U-N! Plus the music is just class too!

I just can't freaking resist black and white clips!

(Thanks to Nanie for the link!)

I just noticed that I use "just" alot. You think it's just okay? Well I can JUSTify myself if you argue!

Do tell me if you like the epic vid!

Till then! I'm off to have some fun. ;)


rae<3 said...

it's like you're reading my mind.(first paragraph) hahaha :D and i LOVED the vid. the song got stuck in my mind. :) "you never had any fun, any fun, any fun" LOL :D

SoggyCereal said...


Anonymous said...

awesome .. <.<

Anonymous said...

awesome .. <.<