Thursday, June 25, 2009

How to Not Play Tennis.

Today, I woke up at 2 p.m.
I did my usual daily on-line routine. That is, to check facebook, subscriptions in youtube and so on. Typical bored teenager stuff.

What I failed to remember was I had freaking tennis class at 4. By the time I realized it, it was already 3 30. To make matters worse, I noticed that I haven't eaten anything yet. JUST GREAT. I thought I could pull it through up until the end of the class. Damn was I wrong.

I felt like I was going to faint just after the first set. I was hyperventilating aggressively but It doesn't mean my performance was affected though.
I still suck, just as usual. I was beaten by a 12 year old.. again. It does wonders for my EGO.

After all was swung and smashed, I decided to finally have my breakfast-dinner for the day. Went to McDonalds and grabbed a McArabia. A burger-type thing that tastes like soup. Hmmm YUM. I was devouring my food happily, when I saw this plump Arab man sleeping at the table in front of me. No he wasn't a vagrant but he did look real wasted and creepy.

I thought to myself, how classy can this guy be. I only wish to sleep in a restaurant as carefree as he did. In my mind, I LOLed. Because though I always lose to a kid in tennis, I'm not the only loser around. I got Mr. I-sleep-at-fastfood-chains to make me feel like a winner.

He made my day. I went home a cool guy :)

Till then. I have to shower now, I smell very Russian.


Abood said...

LOL! Friggin' idiot! XD
And screw you!
Me LOVES the McArabia (the chicken one...)! <3

YungQ said...

LMAO! Awww!
& I TOTALLY HATE MCARABIA! I hate McDonalds in general haha xD

SoggyCereal said...

well aboobs, its because u r arab. hence the name Mc-ARAB-ia! clear now?

YungQ! LOLz y u be hating on UNCLE R. Mc?

Anonymous said...

What an awful man O_o He's just made my day too!!!! and I love McDonalds crisps =)

SoggyCereal said...

Im glad he made your day too! AND Ofcourse how can anybody not love McFRIES! Cheers :)

rae said...

HAHAHAHA!!!!! :)) a random sleeping guy made you feel your cool!!! COOL!!! LMAO!!!! :D

LazyKing said...

Looooooooool, this is funny!

PS: I'm russian and I'm offended
(just kidding, i have nothing to do with russains.)

PS: surprise surprise!!!??

Chathu said...

wow dude you actually tooke this guys picture??? STALKER!! hahaha anf yea hahah weird guy would have made my day as well hahahahahah

SoggyCereal said...

rae, indeed! LMAO we were destined to meet, i wish to believe.

I ROFFLed there Lazy king! I hope you LOLed good for a bit! nothing will make me happier if u did! :P

P.S.- for a sec there, u got me MR RUSSIAN! haha

you know me chat! Im a man whore. i just had to take his photo! it was hilarious!

Anonymous said...

hahahhahahahhahaha at the pic >.> XD and HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.. at the whole blog XD i dont think he made my day he jus finished it for me ..
- nizar ..

Ragnar said...

weird arab fat sleeping at McDonald im not surprised lol i love mcarabia too (chicken only) and nobody hates uncle R.McD LOL

P.S. im russian i was relly offended by the last line, ;P kiddin, i am Russian though