Sunday, June 21, 2009

How Black African People Survive.

Let me just start this post by saying I was inspired by my blogger friends' racial posts. (apparently, this kind of posts is a big traffic magnet)

So I chose the african people to target. I imagined all these crazy things in my head that keeps them alive, atleast in my head.

So without further ado. My first racist POST (Ha!)

1) A Black man can still provide shelter for his family,
with his BONER. Instant tent for the whole lot.

2) That also means HIS wife doesn't go hungry. hmmmm.. Protein.

3) (Fact) Watermelons originated in Africa.(End of fact) That's why they survive, enough said.

4) It's true. They are all olympic runners.
If not, how the hell will they survive all those lions?

5) If single men needs to "release tension," they don't need to pay for prostitutes.
They have monkeys.

6)No roads, means no cars, means no run-overs, means NO dead people.

7) They don't get crazy lunatic immigrants like that asian dude from the virginia tech. debacle.
I mean who would really want to migrate there anyways.

(Oops, is it too early to make a joke about that? GET OVER IT)

8)They await their next human sacrifice for their Gods. But that also means their next meal. Never waste any (possible) food, as we all say.

9) They don't have rappers there. Hence, no shootings and gang wars.

With all these said reasons. A lot of people still think they are helpless and vulnerable. I say BULL! Some people are just too helpful for their own good.

So that's why we now come to the last reason.

10) They FREAKING get help from organizations from around the globe!

As if they are not doing well on their own already.
Do you think I forgot other ways in which the african people survive?
Do tell me through comments? WAAAATTTEEEERMELON!
Till then.


Abood said...

Hahahahahahahahaha! Epic! (even though it was MY idea to make racist comments in points -.-)

SoggyCereal said...

u wrnt the first one to do that though... its a common way to do it.

Dr DR said...

Abood: I started everything because I reproduce asexually.

YungQ said...


SoggyCereal said...

Dr. Doctor! LOL you got that right! I LOLed at your comment really.

Yung Q! I see you like monkeys too yeah? :P

nizar emotiveness XD said...

XDDD at all of em ... proteins hekk
man soo damn funny =P
great job keep it up!
awesome all of ur blogs XD

Dr DR said...

btw, soggy
they dont f*** monkeys,
monkeys f*** them!

LazyKing said...

one of the funniest list and joke on the blogosphere. I hope you dont get death threats because we all know this is only for FUN

SoggyCereal said...

Nizar emo! Thanks! and Yes I love protein too! LMAO

Dr. Doctor, your theory could be possible. There are vicious monkeys out there!

Lazy king, man! :D That's a huge compliment right there. Now I have to live up to being funny.. *sigh*

Also, too late. I'M already getting hate for this post.. Some people just cant take a joke and can't get sarcasm.

Chathu said...

admit it soggy you jus want their boner??? hahah well a bit of a color change might be required but hahahaha
and yea i guess the monkeys get more than enough pleasure thats why they are increasing in species and here i was thinking that national parks and strict laws did that

Alisha said...

Lmao.. awesome blog
Ur gettin gud at dis ryan XD
Keep up d gud work =]