Monday, June 15, 2009

I Eat Cereals for Lunch.

I really do. I simply don't do breakfast.

Missing breakfast, for me, is totally like having breakfast for other normal people.

No, I'm not saying I'm not normal (Well this can be questionable at times..) and yes, other people might find it weird. Though I surely don't.

You clearly don't have a choice when you have to be ready for school when the bus picks you up at an ungodly hour. We are talking as early as 6 a.m. here buddy. Top that.

Summers? hmmmm..
You know it. I even miss lunch sometimes.

With that said, it is safe to say..

I'm a twink.

Scrawnier than a pre-pubescent 12 year old. (Ha! You should have seen me when I was 12. It looked like I was born yesterday)

That's not the only consequence that comes with my adapted habit though.
I feel dumber.

Yes, i feel stupid. Not able to reach my full intellectual capacity.

Thank God I do though because this one actually helps!

You see not all consequences are bad. Right?

Look, it is a fact(ha!) people who chow down on their morning meals act smarter and say more factual things. (Most of the time okay.. excluding inbreds and lunes ofcourse)

At the same time, they are more disagreeable.

Why you ask? Simple!

They have more energy to disagree with you and correct your every mistake. Ergo, these people are more aware of themselves and the situations that are happening that they tend to be more uptight and prim. Complete tragic a-holes, those early munchers are. (Yes, teachers always have heavy breakfasts)

We, on the other hand, are so f-ing out of it and emaciated, we shit talk through out the day. Random vapid conversation is our specialty and apparently that is attractive. Well at least, at the area I'm living at right now. People dig you for chanting non-sense! Heck yeah!

I can go like .."Can I touch your hair? I'll give you a coookkiiiiee!.. WHORE!" and I'll get a reply going.. "OMG! You are so cute! Go on, touch it!"

uhmm.. Okay so it's not really that scary crazy but we do something close to that here. Yes, word!

So I say, drop that spoon next time. If you are ready to please or decided to finally gain some friends.

A-holes and nerds keep eating.


DAMN! Where are my manners?! This is my first post. I didn't mean to blab that long without an introduction.

Well, atleast now you know what to expect from future posts at this blog.

Class subjects to stimulate your brain. (HA! right!)
But I didn't eat breakfast, so don't take my words for it.

Till then.


Dr DR said...

HEY! i see i am very influential eh?
just reading a few post from me and you got mi style of writing already! noice
nice work btw
way to go xD

Abood said...

YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! Your first post! You ass! Yup. People here are weird, and that's just the way I like it (It's the only way I'd stand out as a normal person)!

Afrah said...

WOW!! This is seriously cool Ryan! Amazing stuff, i love it :) This is now officially my favorite web page <3

Alisha said...

KOOLIO .. love ur post .. XDXD
Way to go Ryan !!
Cant wait 4 d next one ... me so proud of u chinese stripper :P
Ly <3

Anonymous said...

hmmm...i agree wid dean it is his style and i do think dat ure sanity can beh questionable at times:Pbt dw its nt a totla failure u wd improve wid time bt neverthless nt bad ntbad:)

Talal hossam said...

Ryan, that was astonishingly the greatest post i have ever read on this web page....U!!! Mr.Ryan, have made me feel that how pathetic we were when we used to wake up at 6:00am!! chatting with feeling quesy too!!! OH!! that's terribly aweful..But anyway, i liked it, cuz it has expressed almost everything that we pass by during the academic year >_< XD

Sidekick. said...

I Liek it. :D
its really random and yeaah.. xDD
Less amount of BIG Words ppl like 'i' arent able to process please. :D

other than that, i enjoyed reading it! (bwahaha BIG word! :D enjoyed!)
~ proud of myself. :P

p.s. more random stuff like ''A-holes and nerds keep eating.''
HAHAHA! I Love that line! LMAOOO.

Anonymous said...

Something that just made my day.

'A-holes and nerds keep eating.'
That was the funniest. xDDDDD!

Chathu said...

OMG blog wars!!! i luv cause now i haf a new pastime to luk forward to.......can i touch ur hair i'll give u a cookie whore!! hahaha nyc man \ keep it up bro

YungQ said...

Hahaha! I actually enjoyed reading it! XD
Keep posting randoms Twin. XD

rae said...

ryan!! so nice!! :) i only eat breakfast because im forced to,u know what im talking about!! haha :D love yah!!

SoggyCereal said...

thank you everyone for appreciating my first post! means alot to me :)

samir azzi said...

cool man i loved your blog ( now abood will get jealous :P) the first post is goooood ;)

IvaN said...

Awesome blog.

keeSha said...

I can live on cereals xD

SoggyCereal said...

IVAn u r AWSOMER for reading! :)

Keesha! DITTO! dont u just love em!