Saturday, June 20, 2009

How to Be Emo, Effectively.

Here's MY guideline to be EMO successfully.

1) Never have Lady Gaga in your music collection. Stick to MCR and their teenage propaganda bull songs.

NO matter how catchy that bitch's tunes are, stand you ground. Resist her sexy po-po-po-poker FACE.

2) DOn't be Russian.

You will be too blonde for your own good.

3) A compass and a blade should be your best friends.

IF you don't get along with them, and think they are too HURTFUL. Get a red pen.

4) Never chat with people..

unless the topic is about death, loneliness or that drag queen guy from TOKIO HOTEL.

5) Always say "No one understands me!" when people argue with you.

After you say that, walk out of the room and cry.

6) BOMBARD the interweb with black-clothed and "guy liner-ed" pictures of yourself.

Don't forget your signature POUT in all those photos. POUT more!

7) Eat less often.

Nothing says you want to DIE more than visible bones right?

8) THe more eyes you cover, the better.

No self-respecting emo person will let others see through the windows of his soul.

9) Be Gay!

No, NOT happy ofcourse! We are talking girl jeans and make up.

and Lastly

10) Write a better self-destructive and angry poem than this:

"I never thought life would be,
so much pain and misery.
I just dont believe in anybody
anymore .
Why should my deepest aim
just go in vain.
Whenever I see you,
whenever I feel you.
My heart goes tearing apart
as if satan plays his gothic art
to ever and after love you more than anyone I've ever known"

by I'm-So-EuropeAnonymous.

(MY emo-wannabe FRIEND will kill me now XD)

Follow these rules and you will lead a prosperous LONELY life :)

Till then.

P.S. - Do cuts vertically rather than horizontally. It's more lethal! WORD.


reviewer bud ;D said...

haha, get ready to get yourself murdered by people wearing skinny jeans. oh, just realized.. they'd rather kill themselves first.

teehee :D g'job.

Dr DR said...

khal is so gonna to kill you.
europeanonymous lmfao

Afrah =] said...

Now the emos are gonna drive you emo xD AWESOME blog tho, really enjoyed it <3


be gay hahahahahhahahahaa

YungQ said...

I loved the poem!
Wannabes -.-

P.S - No. Im not emo. =]

SoggyCereal said...

Dr. DOCTOR! WHy did you say the name? now im really toast.

Afrah! Good thing u r not emo right? ME LIKEY!

Frankenstein! LOL yep, hormone problems right?

YUNGq! LMAO u know the one who did the poem. He is in school! LOL he's so gonna get pissed at me now. WANNABE? my sentiments exactly!

Ps. its just unfortunate that u look like one. :P

YungQ said...

Ahaha Yh I know who xD

I just have the damn haircut that's it! I don't do the whole emo outfit makeup crap! -.-

rae said...

LOL!! :)) "Do cuts vertically rather than horizontally. It's more lethal!".. you just gave me an idea!!! tis' so FUNNY!! :)