Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Depressing Happy Places!

A huge counteraction of a phrase.. but as they say, shit happens.
SO do living contradictions. Such a tragedy, yeah?

Just ask a friend of mine.

He said, he is a very carefree person. Take note, carefree, like birds (with the exception of chickens, they have alot to worry about). Not a worry in the world. But he quickly follows the statement by saying, he always WEIGH things out..

Oooh That MADE a lot of sense! Bravo!

Yep, I got Russians for friends.

The thing that takes the cake though, the number one self-opposing word in the world would be... *drum roll*

Yes, you read that right. (All prude goody two-shoes should SUCK it up now.)

I don't care if your mom has freaking brazilian legs for limbs, the freaking himalayas for a chest or my entire supply of marshmallow in her trunk.. She can never be hot!

Come on. Mothers should never make anyone horny! Aside from your bald father.

Sorry to break a lot of guys' dreams but all those self-proclaimed M I L F's in the videos they have been watching recently.. they are just lonely old hags. Yes, they never had kids, they just look like they have a dozen. HA! With all the nasty ******* they have been *insert alternative soda-drinking verb here*, ofcourse!

Hmm.. I wandered too far away from my title now. *sigh* GEnius!

I'll make this quick now.

You know those freaking arcades filled with third-world video machines? Freakin' ate em!

I know they were made to spark joy in the hearts of the jobless boys of the past, but seriously, my grandpa is long dead.

They are just depressing now, too outdated to make anyone smile. I think.

So yeah, that's just what I was gonna talk about originally. Good thing that MILF topic came up.

Ofcourse, I'm not exactly overflowing with ideas here. That just doesn't happen to me.
You should know why. I woke up at noon today.
And right, I didn't have...


*ended the blog while listening to "Venus As a Boy" - Bjork, freaking coincidence much..*


Abood said...

This is the shit I'm lookin' for! xD
Only one problem I could find :P
Too short -_-

Mati said...


n dude
r u saying that Lyn Z aint hot?
fuck u
shes a MILF.

YungQ said...


Dr DR said...

lmao! so many places meant for fun
but is terribly carousels.

SoggyCereal said...

hey thats my fucken idea again! lmao! dont u go sound all smart here nw! bwahah i was going to put it on this post but. i cldnt place it sumhow..

IvAn said...

Nice.How do you know so much about MILFS? All I know is that their hot XD

Chathu said...

dude u a MILF maniac!!! hahahah awesome u noe what write more articles bout this stuff ur good at it

SoggyCereal said...

LMAO what can i say guys. I'm a hypocrite! XD or my weener is.