Friday, September 4, 2009

No Regrets

I haven't been honest with you guys for the past few weeks.. well just partially you can say.

Today I had let something go. I really enjoyed it. But life being life, it's always enjoyable stuff that usually becomes unhealthy for us.

The thought of summer ending is not the only thing that was dragging me down. It was mostly because of "that". To be honest, I am still hooked up to now but I have to stop before I will be no longer capable of doing so.

After days of pondering, I finally had the will to turn my back and it feels AMAZING! So yeah, NO more looking back!

So I guess, I'm actally looking forward to our school's reopening! I miss waking up early!

Ha! How fast the winds change. See! I am really mental!

Till then! All smiles here!


Cindy said...

you are nutty! but it's better than whiney:)))) have fun in school!

rae said...

so that means ur posts will come more often? XD

SoggyCereal said...

Cindy, I'm a bit offended. are you indirectly calling me whiney before? I would not stand for this! ha! I kid! It's true anyways! i have been such a debbie downer recently haven't I?

Rae! Yes! rawr!

CrustyCranker said...

Wow dude....thats big coming from you!! you used to hate attending school hahah....still...see you there then