Wednesday, September 23, 2009

That Big Yellow Junk Left Me

So, here I am near my window, blogging. It is currently 8 20 and from what I remember my school starts at half past 8. I just figured out that I might have missed my bus to school today and I'm not even that smart to make it out sometimes.

But nevertheless, I still haven't gone back to sleep as I'm still hoping that, that Fat Canary of a vehicle would come back for me. Or I hope not, as it just hit me that I didn't do my revision homework for maths. I'm an all-play and no work guy if you haven't noticed yet.

Let's just think of this as God's will for us to catch up. :) (It would be fun if God would always be this generous and thoughtful. Ha!)

Okay, catch up it is. Here goes.

Since I started school this year, there is this restless feeling in me that I can't get rid of. That feeling becomes more intense as I see my teachers. My IQ doesn't pass 100 so I can't figure out the reason as to why as well. So that's that.

Second, My close circle of boys in school started to study now - "It's the last year *R@#n, It'll be shit if we fail... I want to go to Cambridge." and I will go "WTF?!" on their overachieving faces.

This strange occurrence that struck them forced me to study a bit now as there is no any other way to not feel left out.

Third, I am actually happier listening a bit more in class. The day goes by faster you see. I just imagine that, when my physics teacher rubs that polythene rod to demonstrate static electricity, it is something not plastic. Shortly after I LMFAO in my head.

And Lastly, my new math teacher is the combination of the looks of ET and the temper of Satan. (I presume as I haven't met him personally)

I have a hunch that soon enough I will go "delinquent hormonal teenager" on her and I apologize now.

So that's about it. School! Oh but lately, I have been hanging out with older people too.

It kind of boosts my morale as I thought my life was shit till I hear their medley of tragic and sorrow for life stories. God, was I funny to think I knew what messed up means.

One of them even said something that I say to myself a lot now when I call Ms. Life an unfair bitch.

"It's better than nothing."

I love old people.

Till then! Play Nintendo or go back to sleep? Ha! Cheers!

PS- I wish my bus was as cool as The MAGIC School Bus. Travelling down oesophagi is fly yo.


keeSha said...

I never got to ride in a yellow school bus D:
Study hard bacha.

Silver said...

Yeah.. life can be pretty tough ..not all the time, fortunately ;)
