Wednesday, September 9, 2009

un-Eventful School Days and Me Skipping Joyfully

I got my report card a few weeks back. It basically contains all the great things, or mostly, you can say short comings that I made for the previous school year.

Apparently I was absent, give or take, around 5 weeks all in all. Now that, in my book is definitely not a short coming. Not at all! OH, and I was 9th in class? Not that it matters much.. Ha! 5 Weeeeeeks!

Anyways, today was officially the 3rd day of operation in our school. I am so sad right now as I 'missed' school today. It kills me.

Instead, I was at home, relaxing and watching films while enjoying a plate of meaty bolognaise. So dreadful...

Anyways I hope I dont miss classes tomorrow again. That would just do me such an enormous pain. As..

I just love my school so much.

So as a tribute here are some pichas for you, my friend. Gaze in amazement!

"We keep things pretty organize in our room- We are all about being 'High Class' "

"Talk about a pretty view :)"

"Time Table of Hell : When Do Trannies Get Their Break?" (Look closely)

"We keep each other sane. If they have a chance to talk right now the other one will say "25 dirhams an hour" (You know, RUSSIANS are..) and the other will say "No, I am not Indian!"

And lastly, this is how all the bus rides home look like. Annoying kids (left photo) and my friend and neighbour with the bat-shit crazy face (right).

Till then! It's effing harder than it looks to do photo posts! (Or is it just me?)

P.S. - Header shot is me looking "very sad" missing school today. With some facial mud mask on. LOL (So much for first impressions ei?) ;)


Manju said...

whoaaa your classroom is soooo CLEAN! in mine the walls and desks were covered in random graffiti >_<
why are you even home on the third day? haha

Cindy said...

Wait till you have to get up to work every day. Even if you work from home like I do, you STILL need to be up doing stuff. Enjoy the bliss!!!!!

Ferdinando said...

Eeerr...I don't understand...girls and boys are separated? And I take the bus too to go to school!! =)

rae said...

your POUTTTTT!!! gosh!!! LOL :)) why did you miss school so much?

CrustyCranker said...

LMAOO hahah my new trademark...."no i not effin indian"....and then i keep on racially cursing....ryt

Abood said...

HAHAHAHA! You put up the picture?! Bastard :P

Manju said...

and lol, to reply to your comment, that's not toast, it's soap actually haha
how dyou ever think it was toast!!you're always thinking breakfast, arent you? :P

Anonymous said...

Am gonna blog again =[

keeSha said...

You wear mudmasks XD