Monday, September 7, 2009

This is the Day!


It's the day alright. The early day.

Once again, for such a long time, i am finally able to wake up before the sun does. Also here I am again looking like I am drowning in my school uniform.

I knew I should've bought a size smaller. Gah.

Eh, fuck it. I'll just be asleep half the day in there anyways.

Just wanted to write before I get all the will sucked out of me later. :)

see you later cool people of the internet. You guys have been a big part of my summer this year and I am very appreciative of that.

OMFG! I'm going to cut this short! I'm running late!

Till then! I'm off! School bus is here.

P.S. - Yeah, school bus. Retardation!


rae said...

u gotta love first days!!! :D

Cindy said...

As long it's not the short bus... 'sol good :-) Have fun!

Ferdinando said...

I know it's almost unbelievable but we haven't to wear any uniforms at High School in Italy (only till juniors')! Have fun!!

Manju said...

Acckkkk first days!!
have a great time back to school anyway! ^^

SoggyCereal said...

thanks guys :D But it was crap like I expected it to be! CHEERS!

and ferdy, almost all of the good schools here dont have uniforms. Too bad Im in the lame cheap one. :S

Ahahgshene said...

oh my gosh. CUTE! you take the bus!!! hahhaah *pinch cheeks*

awwww i say the same thing with my blogger buddies.. they made my summer worth while :]

have fun in school!

keeSha said...

I had my last first day of school last year. *sobs* And drowning, lmao. Awh. <33