Sunday, September 6, 2009

Crime on the Last Day of Teenage Freedom

Yesterday was a pretty cool day. It went just little too fast for my liking actually.

Guess where we dined at. (We pretended to own the place for the night aswell)

Well it's no other place than *da da da da* TACO BELL! The fanciest chain in the whole latin world! Woooh!.

Er, Latin World?! Nevermind me.

So me and my good chums dove our faces on burritos and preteded we were going down on.... yeah. People were staring. We didn't mind as we were too busy sharing our grip techniques. *wink*

So all was well and good. But the show stealer of the night was a random dude.

I didnt know this guy but boy is he a saint in my book now. And to think he just passed by our table and did nothing else.

I'll explain.

As I think most of you now know, I live in Dubai, UAE which is in the lovely, middle east! Naturally, it is a muslim country.

That guy was wearing a shirt.

Sounds pretty innocent, ye? But what's ON his shirt would not gather smiles from A LOT of people here. I assure you.

It read -

"Gay Pride" in rainbow colors. Keyword, RAINBOW.

My mouth went slighlty ajar. No I'm lying! It was wide fucken open in astonishment and disbelief.

Boy was he asking for IT. Brave man! Brave man indeed!

He probably got sent to the slammers before the night ended though. Sad face.
(Consider this story if you think I'm exaggerating on getting jailed here for a shirt.)

Whatever. Salute to the random dude! Wherever he maybe now. Convicted or not convicted, it shall remain a mystery.

Unless he gets into the papers! Wooot! GLAM-O-ROUS!

So that's what little fun I had before I go back to the centre for the obnoxious and slighlty incapacitated in the head youths that is, my school. Let's say this together! YEY for Nahlej!

Till then! I'm ironing my white shirt for tomorrow! *school girl giggles*

Update - Proves I need to go back to school.. It was actually suppose to be spelt as knowledge, not nahlej. Sealy me! ha! I learn something new Evridei.


Razzle said...

right decision Dubai - anyone wearing a victoria beckham tshirt deserves to be jailed :)

rae said...

LMFAO!!!!! :)))))

Ahahgshene said...

O_O good for him! and i can't believe that you could get jailed for that ! come here to america! ahaha. where gay pride is everywhere!

anyway, have fun in school!

Ferdinando said...
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Ferdinando said...

Oh wow. I love my good, old, free Europe, where looking at 2 boys holding hads everyone says nothing but "how nice" and people are so addicted to gay soap-operas :O

SoggyCereal said...

LOL @ you Razzle. So I take that you are not a big fan of her ei? Well she IS a hag but poor man really.

Abby, it is sad really. Gay people are so much fun and I want openly gay people in my school to entertain me you know. Sadly, there are none BUt thats another quality that makes my school so AWESOME.. PUKE

True true Ferdy. God bless civilized people ei? Oops Anyways I'm surprised though.. gay soap operas? Haha they must have colorful story lines. lol