Friday, September 4, 2009

Typing in the Dark 3

My room is clean again after almost 2 months of piggish hibernation. It's a major part of my "I feel good again" changes.

So now I have been sitting here for awhile. Alone in the dark, in these 4 walls. And still am all smirks. I have been thinking you see.

It feels good.

I realized something aswell.

I'm not going to say that this applies to everybody and everytime but I think it's pretty reasonable enough. That,

Life is only unfair, if you let it be unfair to you.

Sulking is your enemy and so is worrying.

Now I feel foolish because I'm talking all wisey longer than I should be! Ha!

So that's that! No more tirades of sob posts here! OH wait, fuck it!

I'm still going to do that planned weekly whine posts! Lol It's just not me without a bit of whining really! So Cheers!



Ferdinando said...

love your regained mood, keep it up! =)

Ahahgshene said...

i love whiny posts ! so don't leave us! :/ i told you guys that i was gonna be MIA but not completely!! so stop MIA!!! LOL!

and yay for clean rooms! gees... that reminds me... i g2g and clean the house now .

rae said...

YAY for yah!!! :D