Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Impulsive Whining 1

The other day I read a post from a blog that I follow. It was all about being thankful and such and I thought, "This is interesting!" I kind of wanted to do the same aswell.

But there is only one problem. Being me, Soggy, such would be a daunting task. I probably would take a week to think of just a single thing to be thankful about so that kind of wouldn't work because I have to think of another set of things to be thankful about for the week that passed thinking about the previous week's blessings Uh wait... IM Friggin LOST!

Anyways!! I hope you get what I'm saying here.

So staying true to myself, we shall do this the Soggy way! Here's how it will go about..

Instead of thinking about wonderful stuff blah blah blah, I will post things that are bothering me right at the moment I am writing these particular posts! I promise I wont cheat!

So there. Let us start, shall we? 3.. 2.. 1.. and WHINE!

God, why did you gave me such greasy sweaty hands? My keyboard is always oilier than a frying pan!

Geeese Acne breakout again?! That stupid new soap I bought a month ago isn't working anymore!

My elbows are flaking! its pissing me OFF!

My freaking friends are all too "busy" they say! ha. If I know any better, They are BUsy doing nothing! Or maybe, getting their rocks off, alone in their rooms counts as being busy. It makes me fuming angry.

and finally, I guess I need a haircut soon. My head is starting to look like a damned bowl or Zac Efron's! And Im not really keen on him.

whew! Refreshing!

Till then. Keep smiling, yeah?

P.S. - You should try an impulsive whining tirade too! It really did make me feel better. Comment whine for me perhaps? :)

P.P.S - Thats Soap wasnt bought afterall, now that I remember right. I took it from my friends house ROFL (With permission ofcourse!)


Cindy said...

Soggy what do YOU think you're doing?!?!? Where's the gratitude, the thank you's, the positive attitude I've worked so hard to carve into your brain?!?!?!?!?

You should start you own section: Whiney Weekends. I give that you to - you may take creative license for it.



Ahahgshene said...


hehehe... i love your whine... and here i thought you were gonna go out of your way and be nice for a while. but no! you stayed true to being soggy and entertained me like you always do!

oh dear, i wish i had a solution to sweaty hands -__-... my friend suffers the same thing... hmmm... try baby powder ?

and break outs... ugh i hate break outs! i get it ALOT! dont let my pictures fool you! LOL!

Anonymous said...

my "whines" are too much for this comment box..LOL :))

Ferdinando said...

Whining? ya, I'm in the right mood -.-

YungQ said...

I always whine =P
Atm it's me whining about school =\