Tuesday, August 4, 2009

What Pry Ore Ee Tees?

Oh hey there!


You are still reading my blog?
HA! Im flattered you even came back.

I know, I know. It has been awhile since the last post. I want to make a lame excuse so here it goes. I have been very "BUSY."

Oh yes, yes. My blog and you, the reader, are not one of my priorities.... Actually, I really dont have any other things to prioritise. so what the eff.

*sigh* Well, seriously now. Come to think of it, I really don't know what happened for the past couple of days. It seems like time just raced by me. Swwoooosh

Maybe I was just really busy being bored or its really that I am just an untreated amnesiac. You chose.

So that's that. Hope you had a better time than I did for the past week.

Also, just wanted to let you know that I'm hopefully going to update regularly again.

So hold on there. Don't give up on me yet. I'll deliver the yummy gooods soon! I efffing promise!

Okay.. slash the promise. "I'll try" is safer.

Because you are my only friend, so I don't want to lose you... Ha!

Till then, BFF! I'll write for you soon! ;)


LazyKing said...

We love you :P so we wont leave you even if you want us to leave us. DO I make sense??
I'm drunk blogging right now...

Ahahgshene said...

soggy! i did miss your awesome blog :] and i'll follow your blog religiously-- i won't give up on this crazy fun site!

hope to read more from you !

Silver said...

hi..visitng first time..read some of your posts. like your humour! like this one-

"The moral of the story is Hermione is hot and that you should just really go to a hairdresser for your all hair desires. Be helpful, they need the cash."

i agree. and we need them.

Ferdinando said...

Here we are again. Blogging is a sort of drug =0 keep posting!!!

rae said...

gawd. took you more than a week! good thing i love you, so i still visit ur site every freaking day!! hahaha :D

Abood said...

Took you long enough! Where's the typical Chinese jokes and Confucius? And the pervy comments about everything Russian?

PS: You still didn't come to the gym. Screw ye.

2020 vision said...

*whew* great you're back, I almost die...now, I'll continue to live...luv ye, romantic gay.

Manju said...

screw toast, give us soggy cereal!you know we miss your posts! XD

Cindy said...

I just took a 10-day hiatus so I feel your pain. I've been busy too!!!

Anonymous said...

I know what you're doing this summer