Sunday, August 9, 2009

And Today's Specialty is..... Nothing!

I was showering this morning. A rare feat nowadays as I am just too lazy to do anything. With that, I am partially kidding.

Anyways, as I was scrubing my bulging pecs (right..), something hit me and I realised... Damn! I'm bleediiing sexy. hawt!

Ha! Okay, so I wasn't serious again. And for the record my body is like hay. What hit me was probably an inevitable question that all of us ask ourselves in some point of time - "Is there anything special about me?" or the more direct "Am I really anything special?"

I know , I know. You can tease me and call me an emo boy right about now but when I asked myself that I didn't have an answer.

Which gave me the answer that I am just mediocre or worse.. common.

I think it is every young person's dream to stand out, be something and all that pooop and sadly, I am one of them. Adults will just tell me that there is nothing wrong with blending in with the rest and being "common" and that everyone is special in their own ways but as of now I can't wrap my head fully around those sayings.

So yeah. Now I'm disappointed as I am but just a plain g33k who blogs, youtubes, plays games and occasionally goes out of his protective shelter. *sigh* awesome! Oh yeah, I'm a cool kid! .......


So I guess theres only one solution for this dilemma. I'll probably.. hmm Juggle soap bars with my mouth later? With that I will be trully special! Ha! Or better yet, should I say a "weirdo?" You choose again.

Till then. Guinness Book of Records here I come!!

P.S.- Here are some questions. Have you ever asked yourself those questions? Or are You comfortable with who you are and blah blah? ahhh Please explain! would be nice :D


Ferdinando said...

ehy, this is was really Amazing!!!! Yeah! I asked myself a thousand times: what is special about me? And, depending on the time I was, I gave myself different answers. Sometimes, "nothing, I'm a fucken west boy" (ahahaha) and other times.."My way of thinking is quite different, I don't follow fashion, I create it, I read a lot of books, I don't mind about love-stories, I wanna move to NY, I'm quite moody liking painting, climbing or writing, I think about serious questions but still can see the funny side, I still was a fan of Britney S in 2007 when she looked at the end, but I like Frank Sinatra or Aretha Franklin or the Muse too, I'm a kinda ambitious person"; other times I would have been someone else or just have had a better body and then again "Nobody can be special, nonconformism just sucks": so here's the swindle: what's "be different"???! THIS IS AWKWARD I KNOW =)

Ferdinando said...

* This was -.-"

Cindy said...

I don't agree... I think you SHOULD stand out and you SHOULD try to be unique. And by that I don't mean dye your hair blue and poke holes all over your face. I mean find what REALLY moves you and what makes you REALLY passionate and learn everything there is to know about it. Be it video games, music, literature, or the joys of soggy cereal - become an expert and be the one person that knows more about it than anyone. Then be a good person and treat others with the same love you expect back... that makes you pretty unique already. People tell me I'm a little bit of a different breed and I like that. I guess what I'm saying it's all up to you - and outside appearance has VERY little to do with it.

Afrah ! said...

Wow, awesomeness ! Very cool topic, very true as well.

BTW, you're not common in the least, ur sumthing completely different and special.
All meant in a good way ofcourse :)

Unknown said...

you no instead of these looooooooong-ass comments im going to say one thing and one thing only- BE SPONTANIOUS!!!