Friday, August 21, 2009

Time Doesn't Pass by in Hell, Right?

I am ashamed. Yes.

Again, I have been hididng in a hole for the past few days. No, make that alot of days.

You see, lately I have been extra desperate because I hear school bells ringing.

Ugh, indeed school is almost upon me again. So like a coward I hid from the things I don't want to face. For Goodness sake! I haven't even enrolled for the upcoming year... (should I?)

But you might be wondering, "why hide?"

Well you see I have a theory that, if you don't do anything and just be there, stuck, time wont pass you by so quickly.

And now I know how stupid I really am. So yeah, back to my daily routine, I guess.

Finally! I can shower! I hate greasy hair. ;P

Till then.


rae said...

keep it up and you'll lose your "fans" haha :) no,really,im serious. :|

SoggyCereal said...

you think? -_- i have issues to deal with okay..

Praia said...

i mish joo ! Btw, you haven't enrolled yet, what's with that ?!

Ferdinando said...

Heyyy, I'm so glad you're back, but no more hiding!!! Go through the life without avoiding school bells, laugh on it =)

LazyKing said...

it stinks in here. LMAO
PS: dont go back to school, you learn more by blogging :)

Cindy said...

I've been hiding too! My grad school applications are due soon and I don't want to write a 25-page essay for them. UGH! But it's all catching up now and I'm stressing and I just want it to be January so it's all over!!! AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH