Friday, August 7, 2009

Best Friends Forever!!

I love my friends. Unfortunately, some don't love me back

Reconnecting with old friends that I haven't seen in awhile is pretty awesome to me. Though, I'm pretty sure, they USUALLY want me to fudge off.

Also, I like helping them out, being of service/ in anyway possible. IN return, it takes a week of nagging in my part for my "can't be arsed" people to comment on this lovely blog. (Ha! yes i force them to visit.)

Well, the other day, a friend took the cake for being the epitome of the things that I am saying.

Whilst I was on FaceBook being jobless like 90% of normal teenagers, I discovered that an old "friend" of mine had an account already. With a little bit of stalking, I found out that she already had my cousin as a friend and didn't even bother to add me.

I was devastated, ofcourse!!

We WERE so close! .... Well in my eyes, we were.

My ego threw a fit, so I did not add her and instead, messaged her first. I thought this would be a great tactic that will prompt her to add me. If only i knew any better.

So read on to watch my lameness in action. Here are the threaded messages.

Soggy: HATE you! NO ADD ME?! friggin despise you now... :(

Chanel: because it's an EXCLUSIVE facebook! only for CLOSE FRIENDS!!! hahahaha!! notice i have like less than 10 friends!

Soggy: ouch. that WAS really hurtful! LIKE WHOA! u r still the same. ur words are like KNIVES! damn.....thats why i love you!! damn miss you!!

Chanel: my words are like knives?? stop being such a drama queen.. i guess youve been practicing because of your blog.. yeah i read it (thanks to RAE (= ) hehe. well, i have to commend you.. it is FUNNY.. in a sort of desperate, like WTF?! way. hahaha! but still, its i give you credit. haha. and i know you love me.. miss you tooo!! =)

Soggy: ..... n u still havent added me... wow. thanks. get the note, ADD ME!!!

Chanel: im still thinking.. =l

SOggy: wtf?.

Soggy: i need you in my life...


at this point, I realised some things.

1) Bitch.. IM still waiting for my request!

2) I have a bitchin ego. why dont i just add her?!

3) My cousin is promowhroing my blog! LMFAO! extra love goes to her!

Anyways so that's that. I hope you guys have better friends than I do.

Well, I guess I'm a bad friend too, if my "friends" don't stick around. There's got to be a reason, yeah? OH well. ill think about that on another day.

Till then. I'll try to message her again. This time, with CAPS on. Ha!

P.S.- That is my Facebook Wall. Feast with your eyes stalkers. ;)


Silver said...

You're a funny guy ;)

rae said...

hahaha!!! :)))) i love this!! and i love you tooooooo!!! lol XD

Tabby said...

ADD ME! Please! You're like, my sun these days!

Anonymous said...

im still not adding you failed to prompt me again.HAHA!
and i visited your blog because of rae AGAIN.

chanel XD

Ferdinando said...

I've just added you =]

SoggyCereal said...

Thank you very much silver! I hope this does not go into my big head

Rae ofcourse you love everything about me. You are like my little anorexic stalker.

Tabby! Haha You are most welcome to add me on facebook! like really! ;P on that not anyone is welcome to stalk me there!

Anonymous. Isn't it obvious who u are buddy??

Ferdinando! OMG! haha We are officially FB friends!! Me will stalk you now *evil grin* nah! haha appreciate the add man!

Manju said...

if it's any consolation, i never add people I know either, i wait for them to make the first move. it makes me feel all powerful haha pretty lame huh...

Cindy said...

You're so funny. I found your stuff browsing around and like it! I've been really disappointed reconnecting with old friends.... most of the time they want to impress me with career achievements and send me pictures of their gorgeous home. Bleh. No fun.

Ahahgshene said...

chanel seems like a funny girl! no no i think you guys are funny together! i hope she actually adds you though.

her words are like knives! i would probably start crying like a river if my "close" friend didn't want to add me :[ ohhh boo.

anyway, have a great week end!

rae said...

but i know you love me more, my still-in-the-closet-but-slowly-coming-out cousin!! :)) <3

Praia said...

This might be harsh but I think I'm right.

Why latch onto someone who hurts you ? I mean, I know I would if they meant so much to me but then again I really don't like seeing any of my friends get hurt, so just please stop fighting for something so silly like that. She's got her reasons [besides the whole account being "exclusive"] [hate that word]

Anonymous said...

DUH! i just wrote my name so i get to put the love part! don't you feel the love??? haha.
