Sunday, August 23, 2009

Tv Shows Are Cooler Than Me.

I just realized that though I really, really like watching teen drama shows, after each episode, they make me feel like a big pile of shit!

Am I alone on this?

Everytime an episode end with that buff lead getting it on with that hot virginal girl and all ends good, at the other end (thats me, on the couch) is a very different story.

A bitter couch potato I am.

Well you see it just makes me ponder all the action I'm getting with my own "story" you know. Or the lack thereof. No virginal girl anywhere near me but I see a half-empty soda bottle. Get it? Soda bottles are the epitome of a perfect... ah forget it.


But you know what? No matter what, I can't stop tuning in though. The DRAMA is just too gripping. It's kind of a way to escape the mundaness of my life, you can say. So that's that.

Now I'll look at the bright side on this. Anything's better than being that bestfriend of the lead who barely gets attention and gets all the sloppy seconds. Now thats even lamer than me, The "spectator!" Ha! Cheers!

Till then! Gossip girl is about to start!!

P.S.- I don't really watch that show.


Manju said...

gee a half empty soda bottle is better than nothing at all! looking on the bright side of things, you cud have run out of soda *gasp*
ignore me, i'm rambling, i'm half asleep right now..
but i get you abt the tv shows, i'm seriously addicted to them too

Ahahgshene said...

hehehe. gossip girl eh? have you considered watching one tree hill? oh snap. that's scandelous too.

it's okay, i think half of america feel the same way as you. besides, that only happens in hollywood studios hahah. not in real life. i mean cmon! LOL.

SoggyCereal said...

Thanks Manju! Im not aloooone :)

Abby, you know what? I prefer english teen soaps to be honest. and yes those are even more scandalous!

Cindy said...

You TOTALLY watch Gossip Girl... don't even try to deny it!!!!

And I know how you feel... not much action happening here either. But "the grass is always greener" and maybe all that is so stressful that you'd be praying for anonymity and a peaceful night of TV and soggy cereal!

rae said...

i know you loooove GG!!! hahaha :)) and i love watching tv series :D

SoggyCereal said...

LOL Cindy! That made me laugh so HARD! You really think so? I wont argue then.

Yeah and I get you. People want what they dont have and want the things they had when they finally know better. Cheers!

Rae rae rae.. I only watched a few episodes with you and thats it okay. you MADE me!

SoggyCereal said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rae said...

and i know you enjoyed it,oh-so macho soggy!! lol :)))

CrustyCranker said...

I hear you man....i get the same feeling sometimes....thats why i stay well away from drama...unless its a story about two hot girls lol....i prefer sitcoms....much more eventful...

Ferdinando said...

Just to know what's happening here in my life, let's read my last post. My soda is coke and my soap is.........? Gossip girl? Naaaah.