Friday, July 24, 2009

They Come, They Go But They Stay.

Today was a bittersweet day.

It was totally fun to finally be out there and have fun with friends after being stuck in a rut for the past few days. Yes, I hibernated.

I do it sometimes. And I pray to God that such a thing is normal for adolescence. Though, I do doubt it , as even I find myself abnormal.

Anywho, I had mixed emotions about today just because it is my last hang out with a couple of my friends for god knows how long. They are leaving this place (I don't blame them) for a place known for black bears, maple syrup and retired old people. Canada.

It's all good and all as I am genuinely happy for them. Starting a "new life" is a pretty exciting idea. Being left behind, on the other hand, is not.

So to commemorate the departure of my lovely friends. We did what should be done.

Grab some yummy, JUICY hotdogs! Throw in a lot of laughs and you get an epic moment that will last for a lifetime.

Afterwards, we did the obligatory walking around in circles, hands on shoulders. It suited the occasion reather well, I must say.

Because you see, friction makes people closer.

I always thought and still do think that leaving people is easier than being left behind. The latter sucks a greater deal. I should know. I left so many people behind in the past. It's easier, really.

I admit, I am bad at keeping in touch. I hate that about me.

One thing is for sure. Even if we grow apart, nothing can take away the times we spent together. Even if I get to lazy to E-mail in the future, I know it and they know it. We will still have each other, in one way or another.

And that idea is JUST Effing AWESOME!

Till then. I am going to tuck in.


Razzle said...

Awww cheer up Soggy. I know what you mean though - it real does suck being left behind. It's a mixture of sorrow, depression and self-pity. But soon you will have something to smile about I'm sure. :)

J. Nguyen said...

Awww ): I know how that feels, I used to get left behind a lot when I was younger. It sucks really, but you'll find some more great friends out there! Of course, those that were there can never be replaced.

As the saying goes, each and every person has a impact on you, whether strong or weak...or good or bad.

*Hugs* -Jamie (:

rae said...

aawww :(

when are you coming home?

Abood said...

You ass! I've been texting you and calling you since yesterday... and it turns out you were sleeping. Shitty ending.

Anyway, nice post, and yes you do suck :P

Ferdinando said...
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Ferdinando said...

Ehiii! This was sooo touching. But I have to tell you something really saaaad: I've just lost my blog, the bin show! I always do damages, and it was deleted by an awful mistake!!! I hope I'll be able to restore it soon! I'll make you know..bye friend!

Ragnar said...

its true many of my friend sare also going to canada it sux i cnt DS gameshare any MORE T_T

Praia said...

hehe .. if you think that way, that means i'm totally abnormal to you. I don't care about being left behind, it's leaving that hurts me the most.
But then again it might not be so totally abnormal after-all - It's basically only human being afraid of stepping away from the crowd.

P.S. I'd love to be the friction in your jeans :P

2020 vision said...

*sigh* that must be tough…..though I couldn’t say that it is easier to leave than to be left behind…..I’ve been in both scenarios and couldn’t weigh which is which….. both were so heavy. Memoirs are coming back when I read your post *sigh* any way…….cheers…..everything is going to be fine…….you’ll be meeting new friends soon... blah...blah...blah... but then, in our heart we know it’s not going to be the same.....never *weeping*

LazyKing said...

aww hang in there...

Ahahgshene said...

well there's always room for new friends :} i'm glad you're looking at all of this in the bright side! i'm happy that you're taking it all well. too well actually.

anyway... i'm lazy to do emails too!! VIDEO CHATTING ON THE OTHER HAND MIGHT BE FUN! go video chat with them when they leave!!! FUN STUFF!!

and canada does sound like a place for black bears, maple syrup and old people. -____- ehh... i don't think i could leave the city as much as i want to. i love the chaos and the busy streets.

Ragnar™ said...

there are mooses in canada as well.....;P

LazyKing said...

Just stopping by to say that your comments were HILARIOUS. thnaks

keeSha said...

Omg. I swear this is the best HPB review I've read xD
I hated the movie for one reason though. THERE WAS NO BILL WEASLEY WTF! *dies*

keeSha said...

Uh-oh. I think I mixed up my comments. I'm sorry T__T
I really liked this post though.

Alisha said...

Awwwww Ryan ..realli nyc Post !!
We will miss ya too ..actually we already do xD

Ferdinando said...

I soggy! This is my new! Hope you like it=)