Monday, July 13, 2009

Am I On the Right Track?

MY first Writer's block! hip hip hooorah! Awesome.

Today was suppose to be posting day. I already have an idea in my head for days now but somehow can't seem to translate it on words. oh well.

Maybe the fact that my flu is back again doesn't help. GOD, makes me want to hope this is H1N1 and be done with it already. Wait, that means.. no more blogging. I change my mind.

I'll stick with this bad clingy flu.

For now.

till then. I'll hopefully post tomorrow. :D


Ahahgshene said...

oh no writer's block is a no no ! hopefully you get your inspiration back!! :D

btw love your blog so farrr!

Dars said...

get well soon!:)

rae said...

u suck. LOL :D u should get well NOW not soon!! haha :))

Anonymous said...

sick again???! It could be really H1N1..!!!ahah, get well soon =)

SoggyCereal said...

Aby! Thanks for visiting me site! Well appreciated!! :D no worries, soon enough i will be back on track.

Dars, rae! Thanks! Im working on it! pill-popping all the way!

Sadly, yes ferdy! LMFAO. don't scare me! haha Thanks man!