Monday, July 6, 2009

Siiick but Grateful

Today is a good and at the same time a bad day. It's good because i hit 16 subscribers and 12 followers. Thank you all! (Yes, Im easy to please :) ) I love even numbers you see. This day is also bad because i feel like shiiiiit. Can someone hand me a box of tissue please?

I've got alot to tell you guys as I had a great weekend. But I'm not capable to blog about it as I am very siiiiiick. Gots the bad case of flu, not the swine type though. whew.

Well i knew it was coming anyways. That's what happens when i exert myself too much and do my hysterical retard dance all night!

Anywhooos, How about you guys? How was the weekends for you? It would cheer me up to hear from you about it.

I'm using all my brain power just to make this post. Hope I can share all the recent happenings, as soon as possible. At the mean time, i better go.

Till then, I got an appointment with MR. cough syrup. (blegh)


Razzle said...

well as you saw from my blog, Watermelon played a big part of my weekend. But apart from that, I met up with an old friend whom I hadn't seen in a while which was brief but super fun!

Hope you get well soon :)

LazyKing said...

get well.
your blog is cool, you'll hit the 50 followers very soon

YungQ said...

I totally miss you Ryan!
GWS <3
Iam in Malaysia and it's pretty good =]

rae said...

aww..your sick! that's bad.get well soon!! and my weekend was nothin out of the ordinary.. haha :)

SoggyCereal said...

Thank you so much you guys! I feel better now! I will probably still need another day of rest before i can really go out there and "play."


thanks a bunch again! comments! good! comments = my medicine! :D

RafaRR said...

Thanks for the comment and hope I didn´t ruined the movie for you, I just began reading your post and I liked it now you have 17 followers.

SoggyCereal said...

aww thanks rafarr! :D