Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Your Blog is Sexxxi.

"Lazy King, OH LazyKing! You don't know how lovely it feels. It's my second award you hath given me. From the bottom of my heart, I am filled with EFFING glee."

I feel very loved! And now, it is my job to make other humans feel warm and fuzzy inside.. awwwwww

without further BLABBING, here are the people I extend my steamy hot love to.

-Mr. Ferdy of "The Bin Show" (First Blog that I followed and loved)

-Ms. Raz of "We. Don't. Play. Guitars." (I love her rhymes and funny photos! Plus she is very friendly too)

-ABOOBS of "Simply Stupified", just because he is a friend and a neighbour. LMFAO

& last but should've been said first, is YOU! All the people that love and read my blog

Thank you all! You lot make blogging and humiliating myself worth it! :D
LOVe, love, heart, fancy, dig, cherish, Lust for all of you

Till then. I will be waiting for my next award, Lazy! tehee!


Dr DR said...

this is just yum
seeing you like that xD

LazyKing said...

congrats to everyone.

SoggyCereal said...

If you didn't quit blogging then I could've given it to you dr. dr. *sigh* if only

Ahahgshene said...

awwww.. now i feel like giving people awards too :] i love your entries by the way! :P

Kavita Saharia said...


Kavita Saharia said...


Abood said...

LMFAO! You had to make it bold, didn't you? XD

Anonymous said...


your blog is cute!!!


Anonymous said...

And Funniest Blog Award 2009 goes toooo......."Because I didn't have breakfast" congratulations!!!!!^^

SoggyCereal said...

Abby: thanks really. Cmon do give some! its really fun. dont forget me! *cough* ahehe. right.

kavita: Thanks you muchos! surprise you love my lame blog. but YOU, on the other hand, are awesome!

Abood: Yep.

Day: whew. you really think so? *blush*

Ferdy: damn. i dont deserve that ferdy!.. seriously though. Thanks alot! appreciate it