Wednesday, July 8, 2009

We are FAMILY!

Whilst I was sick, stuck in my house and ultimately bored. I learnt about something. At the last post, I mentioned how grateful I am to have 16 subscribers (well, i still am thankful) and that made me assume I am that POPULAR already! (sarcasm, yeah? lol)

Well, yesterday matters proved how delusional I am. Sad, as I was already practicing my beauty pageant hand wave. DAMN YOU LIFE, why must you always crush my childish petty dreams!

As I was bored and wasn't really able to blog BLOG, I kind of messed around with the little stuffs that could improve my blog and I happen to stuble upon a feature called "manage your E-mail subscription." Basically, it show all the e-mail address of the lovely people that subscribed to me via mail. The big issue was, somehow, these addresses were familiar. Then it dawned on me. I LOLed hard and that triggered a bout of coughing. haha Good times..... *cough*

MY AUNTS!!!! O M G! MY AUNTS ARE READING MY BLOG! 3 of them! DAMN! SUPPORTIVE! And if it wasn't enough, two of them decided to put two of their e-mails. You know, just in case of malfunctons, yeah?

Okay, so whatever. Subscribers are subscribers, right? Whether it be family or not. That doesn't change the fact that, once I get the chance to strangle my lovely cousin Rae, (Yep, you know it's your fault! lol) I will NOT show mercy. This is my only place where I could curse and biitch about things and you decided to take that away from me! Now, because of you, it's only a matter of time before my mum finds about this "worldly blog." (That's what I assume she will call it) I just shivered.

MUM, if you are reading this. I want to clarify things, I DO eat breakfast and never ever had another girl in my life okay! yeah, like totally! I would never lie to you.... I was just fabricating for entertainment, yeah?

Please don't spank me......

Till then, I have to change my blog url now.

P.S.- Other bloggers out there. Do any of your family members know about your blog? Do you appreciate it? Are they Subscribed to you perhaps? Let me know! Because I seriously feel that I have the most "supportive" family right now. LOL


DARS said...

hi ran! this post is so funny! hahaha!

mommy LOVES your blog!:)

Anonymous said...

OMG!!!! cant stop laughing!!!! still laughing right now!!!!!! LMAO!!!!! i gave you what you want!! lol!!!

RAE said...

OMG!!!! cant stop laughing!!!! still laughing right now!!!!!! LMAO!!!!! i gave you what you want!! lol!!!

Anonymous said...

My aunt knows about my blog! But she's quite a friend =)not like the rest of my family!!!

jane-willy said...

I think my mom knows. Haha. But it's not too bad. It's like this closer bond that you could have once they kind of know what you're up to.

Jennifer Teng said...

hey ryan! OMG i just realized MY BABY IS GROWING UP SO FAST!!! HAHAHA your a teenager already...i can still remember you back in China...anyway i shall subscribe to ur blog, so that makes it 17 ;P

LazyKing said...

My brother kn and my siter know about my blog but they never read it. I have 2 or 3 close friends who read it like once a month. LOL

PS: this post was funny :)

Anonymous said...

Here I am posting a comment since you like people commenting. If you are trying to guess who this happens to be, I'll just tell you its me Shima. :]
My comment: "Ryan, I was bored and your post just made me laugh. xD!"

Anonymous said...

It’s totally fine, at least you can show & they can see the other side of you- if they didn’t like it? You can easily’s for the sake of arts ;p

YungQ said...

Ahahaha.. It's that bad eh!? xd
funny post.

Afrah said...

Hilarious xD
NICE family you got there ;)
Ahahaha !

SoggyCereal said...

Dars: I love ur mom for reading aswell! recruit your dad soon! lol

Rae: take it easy ho! lmao Cant stop laughing? cant breathe?.. wait till my hands meet ur scrawny neck.. no lols. only LMAOs! haha!

Ferdy: glad you are close with your aunt! but whats with the rest of your family? are they like..

Jane: hmm. You got a point there! Indeed, true! :D

Jen! Thanks! IMY!

LAzyKing! Sorry about ur less than supportive siblings! lool but i bet they are just one of ur thousands and thousands of subs! they are just hidden there! n funny? aww Im just trying to live up to the award you gave me. hope im not doing a bad job! LMAO

SHima: I like it when u laugh :D

Anonymous: Best comment here! :D I like the way u see this matter. indeed now they know the otherside of me. the desperate cyber soggy...

YungQ! haha not that bad.. sorta in the middle?

Afrah! You have a nicer cousin! BITE!

Dr DR said...

I'm sure you're mom will be very proud of you,
but do try to get straight a's
you dont study i kill you