Saturday, July 18, 2009

I Hate Things I Can't See.

Like any normal teenage boy, I watched the harry potter premiere the other day.

After about a couple of hours, I went home a sad muggle.

It's not because of the fact that the film was such a "snog fest."

It is not because the film was centered with Harry sneaking, eaves-dropping and following that BLOND whiny bloke.

And it is definitely NOT because of the group of big-mouthed arab guys behind us that keep jabbering in ARABIC while Ron is tongue-wrestling with a hormonal girl!

What made me most unappreciative of the movie is my own blonde-streaked self! I was basically watching a movie of silhouette and blurry faces. Of all the days to forget my lenses..

Sometimes life literally F***s me, and I bend for it.

Like today, I bought hair dye. All seemed good. I was excited to change up my look.
Until it turned out to be a formula for grey hair. It failed. I was back on all fours.
The moral of the story is Hermione is hot and that you should just really go to a hairdresser for your all hair desires. Be helpful, they need the cash.

Till then. I'm going to have a slumber party.

P.S.- Sorry for the saucepan. I don't have any congruent or clever photo to post. *sulk*


Ahahgshene said...

oh my gosh im so sorry you had to watch it without your glasses!! i hate it when that happens! so not cool!! XD you can watch it again cant you?!

and if it makes you feel better.. i tried to dye my hair TWICE but when i washed it off.. it was STILL black!!! my hair totally sucks for being dark :{ oh well.

rae said...

ur so stooopid!! LOL :))

Anonymous said...

So sorry for your HP bad vision!!!! When I was in London I dyed my hair orange..=/

Ragnar(C) said...

too bad u couldnt see how hot hermione was and next time get a blue hair its a smexy colour;P

Ragnar(C) said...

too bad u couldnt see how hot hermione was and next time get a blue hair its a smexy colour;P

Ragnar said...


Ragnar said...

P.S. i like the saucepan adds a breakfast soggycereal touch

Ahahgshene said...

oh i feel so bad that you didn't understand the my entry. but yes i liked it!!! i was just really sad how i never shed a tear for dumbledore... cuz i man cmon.. he's pretty awesome you know!? and he always protected harry potter! LOL .

i really liked it!!!! :]

for the mean time.. i'm going to do some changed on my entry

LazyKing said...

harry potter was a bummer.
Sorry about your glasses and the stupid people behind you

keeSha said...

Omg. I swear this is the best HPB review I've read xD
I hated the movie for one reason though. THERE WAS NO BILL WEASLEY WTF! *dies*