Saturday, January 9, 2010

What Have You Been Up To?


Hello there folks! How were the holidays? Did you all have a sexy time as I did?

We all know it's not 2009 any more and that's just sad because thinking back, I wasted almost half of the year. But all those times sulking about and doing nothing are all behind me now!

2010 should be all about acting on the things we want, and I would shamelessly do just that!

It's a bummer I haven't made any holiday posts as to what I was up to. Well I wasn't really up to anything very exciting and extraordinary.

No sky jumping or skinny dipping for this fool. Though that doesn't mean I didn't have fun. It was just a bit more of a laid back thing going on this vacation. Which I quite enjoyed. No crazy dangerous antics whatsoever. That meant no alcohol too.. I guess. LOL

So that brings me to my new year's resolution!

To value time more than ever and enjoy and live life on the moment. NO more worrying about the future too much!

It's just disappointing when things don't go my way. So why bother!

Anyhow, that's about it for today folks! You will hear from me soon! There's a lot of exciting things coming my way for the next few days and I hope I would be able to share it to you.

OH and BTW! Here's what I've been doing and working on recently! Enjoy wasting 5 minutes of your life watching me do a lame impression of Mika sans MUSIC! err It's more fun that way! Or maybe I'm just hiding the fact that we suck. You decide!



Ahahgshene said...

soggy!?! did you mute this thing?!

i totally get you with the whole holiday thing... i didn't even post anything christmasy this year O_o i'ma terrible blogger.

also, my boyfriend told me to live one day at a time. he has a point. so gees... let's go crazy! LOL

r said...

nice! the vid wouldve been better if you ddnt mute it,it wouldve been cooler! nice mika impression btw! haha:))

SoggyCereal said...

Muahahaha. I did, and not because its more fun nor im hiding that we suck but i recorded the vid with just a videophone so the audio of the video is basically just the reverberation of all the sound made by the instruments so.. there we go!

Abbey, Your man told u that? I approve of this guy then! lol GO WILD!

R.. Too bad you couldnt see my purple jeans.. Dammit!

r said...

then show me!:D and i like the way you sway, or whatever you call that, in the vid! so MIKA-ish! hahaha

Manju said...

ahhhh you're still funny as heck haha ;)
here's a new year resol. for you: blog more!

SoggyCereal said...

R,u so love me! and i love you for that!

Manju... that made me blush.. Blog MORE alright!

TG said...

That's been a rather mellow performance. The head-work was ok, but I had to imagine the music, which would be fine, if I were a zombie. But since I'm not, it was a rather tedious adventure. While wasting the 5min of my precious life, I thought what would be the proper compensation for that. I shall contact you in few days or to say it bluntly: My lawyer will send you a letter :P